/*************************************************************************** tmdmprocessor.cpp ------------------- copyright : (C) 2013 CREALP Lucien Schreiber email : lucien.schreiber at crealp dot vs dot ch ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "tmdmprocessor.h" #include "tmdmcopier.h" TmDmProcessor::TmDmProcessor(const wxFileName & src, const wxFileName & dest) { m_FileSrc = src; m_FileDst = dest; m_LanguageCol = 0; } TmDmProcessor::~TmDmProcessor() { } int TmDmProcessor::FindBlock(const wxString & blockname) { wxFileInputStream input(m_FileSrc.GetFullPath()); wxTextInputStream text(input); long myLineIndex = 0; while(input.IsOk() && !input.Eof() ){ wxString myLine = text.ReadLine(); if (myLine.StartsWith(blockname)==true){ return myLineIndex; } myLineIndex++; } return wxNOT_FOUND; } wxString TmDmProcessor::SwitchCols(wxArrayString * cols, wxArrayString * values, int item) { if (m_LanguageCol == 0) { return values->Item(item); } if(cols->Item(item).Contains(_T("_0")) == true) { return values->Item(item + m_LanguageCol); } wxString myColName = wxString::Format(_T("_%d"), m_LanguageCol); if (cols->Item(item).Contains(myColName) == true) { return values->Item(item - m_LanguageCol); } return values->Item(item); } void TmDmProcessor::SetLanguageColumn(int value) { m_LanguageCol = value; } TmDmProcessorSimple::TmDmProcessorSimple(const wxFileName & src, const wxFileName & dest) : TmDmProcessor(src,dest) { } TmDmProcessorSimple::~TmDmProcessorSimple() { } bool TmDmProcessorSimple::ProcessBlock(int blockstart, const wxString & tablename) { wxArrayString mySQLCols; TmDmCopier myCopier(m_FileDst); myCopier.CopyFrom(wxString::Format(_T("\n-- %s --\n"), tablename)); wxFileInputStream input(m_FileSrc.GetFullPath()); wxTextInputStream text(input); long myLineIndex = 0; while(input.IsOk() && !input.Eof() ){ wxString myRow = text.ReadLine(); if (myLineIndex <= blockstart) { myLineIndex++; continue; } if (myLineIndex == blockstart+1) { mySQLCols = wxStringTokenize(myRow, _T("\t"), wxTOKEN_RET_EMPTY); myLineIndex++; continue; } wxArrayString myValues = wxStringTokenize(myRow, _T("\t"), wxTOKEN_RET_EMPTY_ALL); bool bEmpty = true; for (unsigned int i = 0; i< myValues.GetCount(); i++) { if (myValues[i] != wxEmptyString) { bEmpty = false; break; } } if (bEmpty == true) { // ok empty line found return true; } // write insert sentence wxString myInsert = wxString::Format(_T("INSERT INTO `%s` ("), tablename); for (unsigned int i = 0; i< mySQLCols.GetCount(); i++) { myInsert.Append(wxString::Format(_T("%s,"), mySQLCols.Item(i))); } myInsert.RemoveLast(); myInsert.Append(_T(") VALUES (")); for (unsigned int i = 0; i< mySQLCols.GetCount(); i++) { myInsert.Append(wxString::Format(_T("\"%s\","), SwitchCols(&mySQLCols, &myValues, i))); } myInsert.RemoveLast(); myInsert.Append(_T(");\n")); myCopier.CopyFrom(myInsert); myLineIndex++; } return false; } TmDmProcessorAttributs::TmDmProcessorAttributs(const wxFileName & src, const wxFileName & dest) : TmDmProcessor(src,dest) { } TmDmProcessorAttributs::~TmDmProcessorAttributs() { } bool TmDmProcessorAttributs::_ProcessAttributesName(int blockstart) { wxArrayString mySQLCols; TmDmCopier myCopier(m_FileDst); myCopier.CopyFrom(wxString::Format(_T("\n-- %s --\n"), _T("dmn_layer_attribut"))); int NUM_COLS = 3; wxArrayString myPreviousRow; wxFileInputStream input(m_FileSrc.GetFullPath()); wxTextInputStream text(input); long myLineIndex = 0; while(input.IsOk() && !input.Eof() ){ wxString myRow = text.ReadLine(); if (myLineIndex <= blockstart) { myLineIndex++; continue; } if (myLineIndex == blockstart+1) { mySQLCols = wxStringTokenize(myRow, _T("\t"), wxTOKEN_RET_EMPTY); myLineIndex++; continue; } wxArrayString myValues = wxStringTokenize(myRow, _T("\t"), wxTOKEN_RET_EMPTY_ALL); bool bEmpty = true; for (unsigned int i = 0; i< myValues.GetCount(); i++) { if (myValues[i] != wxEmptyString) { bEmpty = false; break; } } if (bEmpty == true) { // ok empty line found return true; } // check that this row differs from previous wxArrayString myAttributRow; for (unsigned int i = 0; i< NUM_COLS; i++) { myAttributRow.Add(myValues.Item(i)); } if (myAttributRow == myPreviousRow) { continue; } myPreviousRow = myAttributRow; wxString myInsert = _T("INSERT INTO `dmn_layer_attribut` VALUES ("); for (unsigned int i = 0; i< myAttributRow.GetCount(); i++) { myInsert.Append(wxString::Format(_T("\"%s\","), myAttributRow.Item(i))); } myInsert.RemoveLast(); myInsert.Append(_T(");\n")); myCopier.CopyFrom(myInsert); myLineIndex++; } return true; } bool TmDmProcessorAttributs::_ProcessAttributesValues(int blockstart) { wxArrayString mySQLCols; TmDmCopier myCopier(m_FileDst); myCopier.CopyFrom(wxString::Format(_T("\n-- %s --\n"), _T("attribut values"))); int START_COL = 3; wxFileInputStream input(m_FileSrc.GetFullPath()); wxTextInputStream text(input); long myLineIndex = 0; while(input.IsOk() && !input.Eof() ){ wxString myRow = text.ReadLine(); if (myLineIndex <= blockstart) { myLineIndex++; continue; } if (myLineIndex == blockstart+1) { mySQLCols = wxStringTokenize(myRow, _T("\t"), wxTOKEN_RET_EMPTY); myLineIndex++; continue; } wxArrayString myValues = wxStringTokenize(myRow, _T("\t"), wxTOKEN_RET_EMPTY_ALL); bool bEmpty = true; for (unsigned int i = 0; i< myValues.GetCount(); i++) { if (myValues[i] != wxEmptyString) { bEmpty = false; break; } } if (bEmpty == true) { // ok empty line found return true; } // query to dmn_catalog wxString myInsert = _T("INSERT INTO `dmn_catalog` VALUES ("); for (unsigned int i = START_COL; i< mySQLCols.GetCount(); i++) { myInsert.Append(wxString::Format(_T("\"%s\","), SwitchCols(&mySQLCols, &myValues, i))); } myInsert.RemoveLast(); myInsert.Append(_T(");\n")); // query to dmn_attribut_value myInsert.Append(wxString::Format(_T("INSERT INTO `dmn_attribut_value` VALUES (%s, %s);\n"), myValues.Item(0), myValues.Item(START_COL))); myCopier.CopyFrom(myInsert); myLineIndex++; } return true; } bool TmDmProcessorAttributs::ProcessBlock(int blockstart, const wxString & tablename) { if (_ProcessAttributesName(blockstart) == false) { return false; } if (_ProcessAttributesValues(blockstart) == false) { return false; } return true; }